Thursday, 26 May 2011

I'll Be Back Soon....

That reminds me of a song... You might not know it. My school is doing "Oliver!" (you know, Oliver Twist?) for our musical this year, and one of the songs is called "Be Back Soon". Anyway, so that's my post title.

Why? Where am I going? Well, remember how I went on a 2-week hike through the mountains a little while ago? Now, I'm going on a nother school camp, but this one is to the desert for 11 days. We will be helping communities and doing jobs and things for them.I leave on Monday. Today's Friday (Friday, gotta get down on Friiii-da-ay!! haha), but I probably won't get a chance to post again until I get back. Not with all the packing and things I have to do. So I thought I'd just let you know why I'm not posting for a while. My friend, Emii, (some of you might have read her blog. If you haven't, check it out here) is coming too, so she won't be writing for a while, either....

While we are away, your prayers would be gratefully appreciated. I'll be praying for you, as well. :)
And I'll miss you (even though I don't personally know you!).

Have an awesome (almost) 2 weeks, and I'll post again when you get back. If you would like, check out John 14:22-25 while I'm away and tell me what you think... I studied it at Bible Syudy last night, and it's a hard one.

Have fun! :)

Love, Bess x

P.S. Don't have too much fun without me! ;)

Monday, 16 May 2011

random bits of nothing

Don't worry. I know. I haven't posted for, what? 6 days? Something like that. Anyway, I didn't not post on purpose! Don't hate me! :) I've been to my blog nearly every day since I last posted, but when I go to sign in, it goes "Sorry, blogger is not available" and so on and so forth. Yeah, I know. I should probably get a new computer -- preferably one that doesn't go on holidays to the computer shop and not let me get onto my own blog!

So, I don't really know what to post about now that I'm actually on here. Maybe I'll just talk about random bits of nothing... (hey, that sound suspiciously like my post title! Weird coincidence, huh? :P) So, here goes!

Random nothing #1: My Word-of-the-Day today was (oh no! it washed off my hand. what was it? think! think!) um... got it! (thank you!) Pejorative. It means deragotory or rude.

Random nothing #2: Justin Bieber's middle name is Drew. (that was one from my older sister!)

Random nothing #3: A group of owls is called a parliament. Weird, huh?

Random nothing #4: E=mc2 (yeah, that's right, Eintstein actually stole that from me, I figured it out first!! :P)

Random nothing #5: Ring-a-ring-o'-roses (you know, that game where you dance in a circle?) is actually about the Black Death (or Black Plaugue, whichever you prefer), and the falling down part is about people dying! How sad is that? A little kids' song is about death! :(

Random nothing #6: How about something less morbid now?? Hmm... ok, did you know that Thomas Edison's real name was Barton Lewis.

Random nothing #7: Dogs sweat out of their feet. (Now, I'm not TOTALLY sure about this one. I'm 95% sure).

Random nothing #8: Did you know that I made number 6 up completely? tehehe! You fell for it, didn't you? ;)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my random nothings (You probably didn't!) But even if you didn't, I had fun writing them for you. :) I hope this post hasn't put you off reading my blog. Don't worry, not all my posts are this brainless!!

Hoping you have a fun day, filled with random nothings (let me know if you get one!)

Love, Bess x

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

A day of grey

Yeah, i know, it rhymes. Makes it sound a bit corny doesn't it? Oh well, that's beside the point! :)

Today is one of those days. You know, those days when the sky's cloudy and grey and there's an occasional shower of frustrating-rain. Frustrating-rain is when the rain is too heavy to be a sprinkling that makes your hair sparkly, and too light to be a downpour that you can dance in. Not that you couldn't dance in it, but it's waaaaay more fun to dance in a downpour that gets you drenched and giggling within 5 seconds [I know, it's lame, but that's me! And surely I'm not the only one who likes dancing in the rain? You secretly love it, don't you?! :P ]. Yep. Today is one of THOSE days.

Usually on THOSE days, I wake up and go "ugh". Especially if I have to go to school. But, I'm working on being thankful for everything and finding the good in everything. Even on THOSE days. And also, I need to remember that God made today -- and every other one of the THOSE days (I'm getting pretty sick of writing "THOSE days". Anyone got a suggestion of a better name for them?) -- especially for us, long long before it came to be, in the days before forever ago.

So what is there to be thankful for in today? Well, there's that little patch of sunshine peeking through some of the clouds... and look!! There's some blue sky! Thank you, God.
But aside from the weather, there are so many other things to be thankful for. For example, I'm alive today aren't I? That's always good. :) It sounds silly but -- not meaning to be morbid here -- I could die tomorrow. So remember to thank God for your life!
What else? Well, there're flowers outside my window. Simple, yet wonderful.
There are so many things to be thankful for. And not just in the good things. Everything has some good in it (well, except for sin, but you get the idea).

It does sound kinda corny, y'know, like that song. The one that goes "Oh, be thankful for the googd things that you've got. Oh, be thankful for the good things that you've got. For the good things that you've got are for many...." Sorry, got a bit carried away. :)
But, corny doesn't always mean bad. In fact, most corny lines or puns usually have a good meaning behind it [like my post title, maybe? ;) ] It's true, it's a pretty corny song. In fact, the first time I heard in [in grade 2!], I came home and told mum how funny (and maybe slightly lame!) it was. Well, she told me that it was good, and all the reasons why. I understand now. Thanks Mum. And it is true. We should be thankful.

So that's my insight into all things thankful. Well, maybe not ALL things! ;) Hopefully it was helpful, in some way.

Love Bess x

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Well, I'm back!

Yeah, yeah, i know, i haven't posted for about a month and half. Pretty un-dedicated of me, since i only started this blog about-- think quick, Bessie!-- 3 months ago.
But don't worry! I haven't stopped writing for good! And i have reasonably good excuses for not posting. :)

1. I went on a 2 week hike (no computers in the Australian Alps!)
2. My computer got a virus and went to live at the computer-fixing shop for a while
3. My computer came home, went bizarre, and went for another holiday in the computer shop
4. My computer came home-- AGAIN!-- and it wouldn't let me go on my blog. (i know, it's cruel world, isn't it?)

So, those are my (not-so) amazing excuses for not posting. I'll probably post either tomorrow or the next day, hopefully about something more substantial than this! ;)

Until then, i hope you'll forgive me, and have a wonderful whatever-time-of-day you're having!!

Love, Bess x