Sunday, 27 February 2011

verse to think about...

Hey girls....
I was reading this verse today, and I thought I'd share it with you, coz it was a good one. :)
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice, and opens up the door, I will come in, and eat with him, and he with me."
I don't know why, but it stood out to me today.
So, here I am, Jesus... my door's open wide, so come on in!

Anyone else have any stand-out verses today?

Love, Bess.

the "ahhhh" moment

Does anyone else get the "ahhhh" moment? Or am I just crazy? ;)
The "ahhh" moment (let's call it T.A.M) is when you get home from school/work/etc (in my case, school), you've put your bag away, you sit down and you just go "ahhhh". The bad thing about the ahhhh moment is that it only lasts a second. After that one second of pure relaxation, you suddenly remember that you have an assignment due the next day, a dog to walk, a 5 page essay to write, and about 17 other things that need doing before you wake up tomorrow.
I had T.A.M today. It was wonderful, then it was terrible. My brain went "ahh!", then it went "nooooo!".
So, am I weird, or does everyone else get this, too? Comment and tell me... I don't want to be alone in my weird-ness! :)

Anyway, thank you very muchly to my new followers (for, uh, following me!). And especially thank you to Emii, for mentioning my blog on your blog...
And, hopefully I'll get more followers soon. :)

Have a wonderful night/day/whatever is is! ;)

Love, Bess

Friday, 25 February 2011

A great day for firsts!

A great day for firsts? Well, this is my first blog, my first post, and if you're reading this, you're probably the first to do that! I don't really know what I'm doing, as you can probably tell from the boring background, and the not-much going on, but I'll work on it! If you are reading this, thanks for "coming", and I hope you'll be back! :)

Anyway, since it's my first post, I'll introduce myself. My name is Bess, and I live in Australia. For those of you who aren't Aussie girls (or boys, but I'm guessing that no boys will be reading this!), no, I don't have a pet kangaroo, eat barbeques for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and walk around saying "G'day, mate" to everyone I see! Even though those things aren't true, Australia is still a pretty awesome country!
I go to school, and have fantastic friends. My family are great as well. As for pets, I have a dog, a cat, seven chickens, two ducks and 6 sheep.
I love reading, writing, playing my guitar, eating chocolate, watching thunder storms, drawing, watching movies after a long school week, hanging out with my friends and family, and Jesus.
Yep, out of all the things I love, Jesus is absolutely the best.

I'll write more another day... right now I have to go. :(
Thanks again for reading (don't worry, it should get more interesting as time goes on!)

Love, Bess. :D