Friday, 25 February 2011

A great day for firsts!

A great day for firsts? Well, this is my first blog, my first post, and if you're reading this, you're probably the first to do that! I don't really know what I'm doing, as you can probably tell from the boring background, and the not-much going on, but I'll work on it! If you are reading this, thanks for "coming", and I hope you'll be back! :)

Anyway, since it's my first post, I'll introduce myself. My name is Bess, and I live in Australia. For those of you who aren't Aussie girls (or boys, but I'm guessing that no boys will be reading this!), no, I don't have a pet kangaroo, eat barbeques for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and walk around saying "G'day, mate" to everyone I see! Even though those things aren't true, Australia is still a pretty awesome country!
I go to school, and have fantastic friends. My family are great as well. As for pets, I have a dog, a cat, seven chickens, two ducks and 6 sheep.
I love reading, writing, playing my guitar, eating chocolate, watching thunder storms, drawing, watching movies after a long school week, hanging out with my friends and family, and Jesus.
Yep, out of all the things I love, Jesus is absolutely the best.

I'll write more another day... right now I have to go. :(
Thanks again for reading (don't worry, it should get more interesting as time goes on!)

Love, Bess. :D


  1. Woooo!!!!!!! You have a blog and I'm very excited :)
    Yeah, sadly we don't ride kangaroos to school people;)
    Cool as title by the way...
    Here's some place's for background...

  2. hey bess
    awesome you have a blog, id get one but i have nothing to write ;)
    i wanna try to ride a kangaroo to school tho :P

  3. Nice blog, purple is my fav colour! :) Come stop by my blog sometime!

  4. Purple's one of my favourite colours too:P Along with all the other colour of the clicky pen;)

  5. as in lime green, pink and blue?? :P haha our spy pens ;)
