Wednesday, 9 March 2011

tired, sore, stiff. . . and still joyful :)

Wow! I cannot believe I made it!
Yesterday, I came back from a 2-day hike. It may not seem that hard, but when you're hiking up (almost) vertical hills and sliding down the other side, with a 16kg pack on (that's broken, and so hurts more than it needs to!), all the while battling march flies and mosquitos, it is very hard!
I am still amazed that I am home. I made it! I was so sore and tired and dirty while we were walking. I nearly died on one hill... I just wanted to be home, not walking, in my own bed, and CLEAN!!
On every mountain, I wanted to give up. I just wanted to flop down and cry. I wanted to suddenly wake up and be at home in my bed. But I didn't. There were so many moments when I was on the verge of giving up, but then God would suddenly send me a burst of energy, and I'd make it to the top of the mountain. Sometimes I'd pray for it, but others, He just sent it. The burst of energy would come in different forms as well. God is very creative. Sometimes, it would just be me telling myself to suck it up and keep walking! :) Sometimes it was someone else telling me I could do it, I was nearly there. Other times it would be someone making me laugh, or just talking to me. However it came, it helped me to get to the top, so that was fantastic! :D
Thank you, Lord Jesus. You got me home!

So, girls, whenever you want to give up, call it quits or break down and cry, look to God, call out for help, and He'll get you through it. Isn't that awesome?? He helps us out whenever we need it. Remember: "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I've forgotten where that's from though... does anyone know?

You have my prayers as you face whatever struggles await you.
Love Bess x


  1. Hey Bess,
    I found your blog through Emii's actually. I just wanted to say this post was just what I needed today. So thank you, and I'll be praying for you too

  2. Thank you! It's always nice to get a compliment... and your prayers are appreciated, too! :)
